How to Change ASM Home on a Node in RAC [ID 558508.1]

news/2025/2/26 5:09:29

How to Change ASM Home on a Node in RAC


1Install a new Home to be used by ASM

2 Stop the listener, database, asm on the node

3Listener is recommended to be run from asm home. We can reset the new home using the following command:

$ srvctl modify listener -n <node_name> -l <listener_name_list> -o <new_asm_home>

4Reset the ASM home with new value

$ srvctl modify asm -n node1 -i <asm_instance_name> -o <new_asm_home>

5 If TNS_ADMIN variable was used to point to ASM Home to find the listener, then it needs to be changed to the new ASM Home in OCR for listener and nodeapps. Refer MOS DocID 420977.1 and 360575.1). Updating nodeapps via setenv must be done as root starting from, refer MOS DocID 779907.1.

6 We need to manually:

(1). move the (s)pfile and password file into the new home

(2). copy listener.ora/tnsnames.ora from old home into new home

(3). update /etc/oratab or /var/opt/oracle/oratab with the new home

(4). If dbcontrol/emcontrol is there for ASM then needs to be REconfigured. As at many places in the dbcontrol/emcontrol configuration files we hardcode the Oracle home

7 If you are on Windows then you need to delete the old ASM instance using oradim and then create the new one:

(1). Stop the Windows Service,
e.g OracleASMService+ASM1

(2). From command prompt
oradim -delete -asmsid +ASM1

(3). Set the New Oracle home/bin in the PATH so that you are running 'oradim' from the new home.
From command prompt
oradim -new -asmsid +ASM1 -intpwd xxx -m -pfile xxxx

8 This can be done on other nodes if required

From Oracle




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